2020 Mango Season CoronaVirus Update
Corona Virus is a new kind of virus and the world is trying to understand its nature and figuring out how to deal with it. We are also trying to understand it and rely upon guidance from USDA in the US and from APEDA in India regarding the impact of the virus on the 2020 Mango season. As we monitor the situation, we will share our understanding and the season status with our customers through this webpage. Feel free to provide us with your opinions and suggestions. Our ultimate goal is to bring our favorite fruit to you in a safe and fulfilling manner. In addition to USDA and APEDA guidelines, we will be putting additional steps in place in India and in the USA for safety.
6/15/2020:Â No mangoes coming in from India- protocol not approved by USDA/APEDA. Langra, Chausa, Dussehri, Ratol, Sindhri- protocol approved by USDA- Expected to ship 6/29 onwards. Jumbo Kesar and Alphonso located at alternate locations- protocol approved by USDA. Ships 6/29 onwards.
6/3/2020: Lockdown in India was partially lifted on May 31, Cargo flights are taking freight and can be scheduled. India and US have still not given the necessary clearance/protocol to start mango import. We had expected it by now and is still being eagerly awaited. Once this is received, we will assess and schedule our shipments. Orders for Langra, Chausa, Dussehri and varieties which come later in the season are open now.
5/17/2020: Lockdown in India was extended till May 31 today. Some Air Traffic has opened up – limited Air India flights to Chicago started from May 16. USDA and India are working to finalize a Treatment-on-Arrival program to save this mango season (we expect it to be final this week). In anticipation, we are expecting shipments from the week of 6/1, although we will be trying to get something in earlier. Affected earlier orders will be postponed accordingly.
5/1/2020: Lockdown in US and India till May 17. Air Traffic/shipments to resume May 18. USDA modified guidelines expected for Treatment on Arrival. Next shipment planned is Ratnagiri Alphonso (Conventional and Organic Orchard) for the week of May 18.
4/24/2020: US and India are both closed till May 3. The mango season is expected to open up first week of May with new protocol guidelines. So we are currently taking order for the 5/4/2020 batch and onwards. Varieties other than Alphonso start after mid May, so their season is expected to proceed as planned.Â
4/7/2020: We get our initial shipments from the second flowering of Alphonso- the season is late by a week due to cooler temperatures. We expect fruit to be ready by April 23 in India. India is closed till mid April and US is closed till end of April. We have not got a firm date for the US inspector in India, but it is expected that he will arrive end of April. We are therefore planning our first shipments to arrive the week of May 3. Right now, the focus in on starting the season. Once it starts, we will add additional shipments to makeup for the intial shipments that we miss in April.
03/17/2020: Update
Ref: cdc.govÂ
Q What is novel coronavirus?
A novel coronavirus is a new coronavirus that has not been previously identified. The virus causing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), is not the same as the coronaviruses that commonly circulate among humans and cause mild illness, like the common cold.
Q: Will warm weather stop corona virus?
It is not yet known whether weather and temperature impact the spread of COVID-19. Some other viruses, like the common cold and flu, spread more during cold weather months but that does not mean it is impossible to become sick with these viruses during other months. At this time, it is not known whether the spread of COVID-19 will decrease when weather becomes warmer.  There is much more to learn about the transmissibility, severity, and other features associated with COVID-19 and investigations are ongoing.
There is worldwide concern and disruption of business on account of the Corona Virus pandemic. In this environment, we struggle to remain composed and focus our energies on executing the 2020Â mango season. We will be trying to ensure that in this otherwise glum scenrio, mango becomes a bright spot for you. When we analyze the scenario, we feel that things are actually quite decent for us:
– Corona Virus is stated to be a type of flu virus. Most of our mango is shipped in the summer when the flu season is not active. So we are hopeful that we will be able to execute the season without much disruption.
– The current source areas in India and Pakistan currently show a low incidence of the virus. We will be closely monitoring this, but we anticipate that as temperatures rise in the mango belt to above 45 deg Centigrade, that will be favorable to us.
– We are setup to ship the product to your home, so minimal human contact will be involved in the shipping process. With proper precautions while packing, we should be able to have a safe supply chain.
– Currently, the air traffic between the USA and India/Pakistan is open. So we expect that the US inspectors will be able to travel to India without issue. We are in touch with authorities in India and US to find out about any change in their plans which can impact us. At this point, they have not given any negative advisory, which seems to indicate that all will proceed as planned.
– While we don’t have control over the larger events, we can do our bit to encourage you to place your mango orders by keeping relevant sales going. Currently, we are offering $9 shipping on a Large Box for Select batches, which ends on 3/18/2020.Â
– We will continue to keep you informed about the mango season progress and about any sales promotions via email. You can also visit our website to get updated information..
Jaidev, mangozz.com

February Sweepstakes Winners
Congratulations to Feb 20 and Feb 29 Seepstakes !!
- Mukul Mehta
- Â Neeraj Rajgure

Here are some articles and videos on mangoes (some are by us, some from the internet)
Dr. Diwakar talking about mango
12 Reasons to Eat Mango everyday
Top 10 Mango Producting Countries in the World
Nutrition value of mangoes.- What do we think? Mangoes are nutritious no doubt. We think that despite a lot of literature that they are good for diabetes, they should be consumed under watch. in such cases. The mangoes are sweet, so sugar levels should be monitored.

We offer season passes for mango lovers. You can select a specific variety or the full season. During a season there are variations in the fruit- a season pass ensures that you will get your fruit regularly all throughout the season. In this season of your life, you can focus on enjoying the great mango moments!!
MANGO Review
For many, mango is a journey back through memory lane. Friends, Family and Good Sweet Times!! That ought to be enough, but not for mango lovers!! It is not enough that I love my mango, I want you to know that my mango is the best!! No diplomacy, end of discussion- Period. This debate happens every year in my family with spirited animation and that makes the mango experience even more endearing. In how many ways can a single fruit appeal to us differently!!
Among the Top mango varieties, variation in taste is immense. Here are some characteristics of the top varieties. You can read more about mango varieties here.

Top selling variety- King of Mangoes. Yellowish with tinge of Orange when ripe. Fiberless, sweet and flavorful with firm flesh when ready.

Pride of Andhra. Large in size, yellowish with black spots when ripe. Light yellow firm flesh, with a heavenly sweet flavor when ready.

Emperor of Mangoes. Large in size, yellow when ripe. Yellowish, firm-to-soft flesh when ready to eat. One of the sweetest mangoes when fully ripe.